Saturday, November 24, 2007
cyber digga
music IS therapy
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
.......thought of the day
Saturday, November 17, 2007 it all began (part1)

casio sk-1
i pimped that keyboard from 86-89.. no sequencing, no tuning, no EQ, no effects processor, NOTHING... but it still sampled. since then pops brought a new sk-200 and every now and then i would sneak it out of the room to chop up a beat.. mainly shit off the radio. those who know me well can say that i have a nack for taking shit a part and rebuilding it to something different.. since my brother used his keyboard rarely i decided to build my own 2-channel mixer.. i realized something was wrong when i put out the fire.. then genius struck.. snuck my parents record player in the room and used the line in to hook both up... Im bout to end this story here so i can finish choppin' these samples.. i'll hit u with part 2 later
Friday, November 16, 2007

I wonder how i can co-exist with all that i've taken for granted. I guess thats the way i am.
im a cross-breed of a pesimist and optimist if there's such thing.