its found everywhere and nowhere at all.... sometimes I search far and wide for something thats been inside all along. so, much time wasted trying to find inspiration; by the time I do, BAMMMM, like a light switch it goes off.. It might not make sense to you but it sure does to me.. I guess thats the repercussions of the complex mind.. what un-inspires me is the tons of bullshit music on the air waves, wack as paint by number styles of so-called creativity.... so I look for inspiration in the simplest things.. sometimes thats the best form of motivation, especially when my mind is all over the place.... meditiation, "true" breathing and relaxation is well needed in this time, but what happens when that creative energy dies......... nobody talks about that shit. do you simply bury it and move on or digg deeper to find more substance? some question why I stare at the sun in the sky.. my reply: that is the center of all creative energy... each thought is a seed planted in minds of others, action is the eternal waters flowing to bring life to all, and the light is the creative force that sustains and vitalizes all which grows outward........ at this point Im ready to dust off these old LPs and drift away into another realm................ dont mind me, Im just talking shit since I havent slept for 2 days, stressed the fuck out, mad, happy, sad, depressed, joyous, annoyed, greatful, aggravated, hungry, lost, found, bored, content, over-worked, astute, hung-over, cognizant, ingenious, impassioned, loved, melodious, undecisive, focused, mis-understood, hateful and determined all at the same time.... what a fuckin time to look for inspiration!!!!!!!!